Join the Colorado Safe Buildings Now Team

Help us advocate for safe, affordable, and fossil-free buildings in Colorado!

The Colorado Safe Buildings Now team is a volunteer-led committee with the Sierra Club. We advocate for safe, clean, affordable, accessible, and fossil-free buildings in Colorado. As the 3rd largest polluter in Colorado, buildings are a key sector for climate action, improving public health, and tackling environmental injustices.

Volunteers have opportunities to advocate for key state legislation, educate communities on the benefits of electrifying homes, push for local action on electrification, plan events and tabling opportunities, and more!

Interested in getting involved? Click Apply and the Sierra Club's Building Electrification organizer will reach out to get you started! In the meantime, check out our website to learn more about Building Electrification.

Location: Colorado Chapter (Colorado)

Time: 1-4 hrs/month

Posted by: Colorado Chapter


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