Michigan Chapter Treasurer (MI Based)

Work with the Chapter Chair and Chapter Director to ensure the Chapter's financial stability and reporting efforts.

Scope of Responsibilities

The Chapter Treasurer's main responsibilities concern the Chapter's Financial Management. The Chapter Treasurer should act as a resource to the Chapter Director and Chapter Chair. The Chapter Treasurer's Main activities are:

  • To maintain bank accounts and track all related transactions in Quickbooks Online, with assistance from the Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper.
  • Create regular reports that demonstrate the Chapters financial position and report on them periodically to the Executive Committee (at least quarterly).
  • Monitor budget and reserve level and ensure adequate cash levels are maintained
  • Implement proper internal controls
  • Prepare timely reporting to National, particularly at year-end

Purpose of Position

  • To provide oversight of the finances for all Chapter entities (Chapter, Groups, Activity Sections, ICOs and PACs).

  • To communicate and promote adherence to all Sierra Club policies and procedures that relate to grants, investments, tax issues, insurance, contracts, legal services, contract employees, hiring staff, and political regulatory compliance.

  • To communicate changes in financial policies and procedures to volunteers and staff.

  • To serve as the liaison between the Chapter and its entities and the Finance Department regarding all financial matters.

Responsibilities Work with key contacts to:

  • Complete and submit the following year-end financial reports: Consolidated, Chapter-only, Group, Activity Section, ICO, and PAC, as necessary. Ensure that revenues and expenses for the Chapter and its entities are organized in the format defined by the Finance Department.
  • Report the Chapter’s financial status to the Executive Committee at least quarterly. Ensure that financial decisions are recorded accurately in meeting minutes and financial data are available for review. Enable a review of the year-end reports for the Chapter and its entities. Submit the results of the review to the Executive Committee for approval.
  • Review invoices and other payment requests for accuracy, obtain approval for payment, and pay invoices promptly. Deposit receipts and reconcile bank statements monthly. Ensure that Foundation grants and restricted funds are spent in accordance with donor restrictions and that all expenditures are documented.
  • Prepare annual budget and regularly compare financial transactions to the approved budget. The Treasurer may work with the ExCom in developing the budget, or give the outgoing ExCom a report of receipts and expenditures for the concluding fiscal year and anticipated receipts for the upcoming fiscal year.
  • Oversee the financial records of each of the Chapter’s entities. Ensure that entities record their income and expenses in accordance with national guidelines. Ensure that all treasurers are aware of the scope of their responsibilities.
  • Obtain business licenses, sales or resale tax permits, and postal permits as needed. Ensure that items with tax implications, other regulatory compliance, or legal matters are properly handled. Pay sales tax and personal property tax as required by the state and/or city.

Location: Virtual

Time: 5-10 hrs/month

Posted by: Michigan Chapter


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