Santa Monica Mountains Task Force
Join our activist committee dedicated to the protection of the Santa Monica Mountains.
The Santa Monica Mountains Task Force is an activist branch of the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, formed in 1972 to protect the Santa Monica Mountains from over-development and maintain open space for future generations. We meet once every two months, generally on a Tuesday evening from 7:15 pm until 9:00 pm. Our meetings are open to the public. Please join us to learn about the latest environmental threats faced by the Santa Monica Mountains, and find out where your interests and skills converge with the work we're doing to preserve and protect them.
Eric Edmunds
About us
Throughout the years, the Task Force has played a key role in the creation and development of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreational Area. We've lobbied Congress, and coordinated with park planners and land managers at the federal, state and local levels. All such efforts led to the official creation of the SMMNRA in 1978.
We've put our heads, hands and hearts together with public officials to secure and protect more land. This includes discussions of open spaces, trails, and conserving important regions like watersheds, viewsheds, riparian areas and wildlife corridors. We've also fought to elect political leaders who, in turn, fight to obtain new parkland and the highest levels of protection for natural resources. We take the battle to court, too -- lawsuits we've initiated have proven key in either adding new land or stopping park-gobbling developments.
Armed with legal knowledge, trail building tools, and respect for our natural ecosystems, we seek to preserve these mountains for many generations to come.