Political Team Member
Seeking political activists who will work to preserve the environment through bi-partisan grassroots political action.
The San Gorgonio Chapter of the Sierra Club is our local voice for the nation's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, and San Bernardino and Riverside Counties' only environmental group that engages thousands of volunteers to help people explore and enjoy the outdoors, protect and improve the environment, and elect environmental candidates to public office.
The goals of the San Gorgonio Chapter Political Team are to elect candidates who will support and promote environmental protection, to raise public awareness about environmental issues and elevate the priority of these issues for decision-makers, to encourage Chapter members and other environmentalists to participate in the political process, to advance the Chapter's conservation agenda by building relationships with legislators and other elected officials, and to strengthen the Chapter as an organization.
The San Gorgonio Chapter Political Team guides Sierra Club political activities at all levels from municipal and county to state and natonal levels of government and seeks to foster strong and sustained engagement in electoral activities as a key driver in accomplishing our mission.
We are especially interested in candidates with experience, expertise, and/or a strong interest in the following areas:
- The electoral process, especially within the Sierra Club electoral program
- Politics and elections at every level of the ballot
- Lobbying and the legislative process
- Ballot initiatives
- Broadening support within the Sierra Club for the electoral program
- Integrating electoral plans into conservation campaigns
- Training, mobilizing and communicating with chapter & group volunteers