Houston Group Climate Justice Chair
The Houston Group is seeking a motivated and passionate individual to make climate change progress as our Climate Justice Chair.
The Houston Regional Group of the Sierra Club (Sierra Club) seeks a volunteer Climate Justice Chair to help implement Sierra Club Group, Chapter, and National climate justice and energy policy, actions, and activities. The Climate Justice Chair will interact with the Houston Sierra Club Executive Committee and Sierra Club leaders.
Duties of the Climate Justice Chair include: recruit/train members; educate Sierra Club leaders/members/public about climate justice; promote/publicize opportunities to participate; write articles about actions/activities; lobby administrative/public officials; keep/organize/retain information/records; interact/work with Sierra Club leaders/others to promote climate justice solutions and energy alternatives; and focus on tasks which facilitate volunteering.
The Climate Justice Chair must be a self-starter, enjoy meeting/working with people, and works with Sierra Club members/public to achieve climate change progress.