Fundraising Team Member

The Toiyabe Chapter is looking for volunteers to support its fundraising efforts. Time commitment is dependent on the volunteer's availability. Work performed is based on the volunteer's comfort leve

At the Toiyabe Chapter, Sierra Club's regional team of staff and activists work to protect our public lands and water, wildlife refuges, forests, parks and wilderness for all, in Nevada and the Eastern Sierra from the Tahoe basin south through Death Valley. We are the region's largest and most powerful volunteer, grassroots conservation organization representing more than 20,000 members and supporters locally, and roughly 4 million members and supporters nationwide. Explore our website to see to see what issues we are addressing and to find opportunities to take action either on the Chapter or Group level. Visit one of our four groups to see about attending a local outing.

This particular volunteer will work with the fundraising team and staff to develop and support a vibrant Chapter fundraising program. Our Chapter income depends upon ongoing successful fundraising activities. The fundraising team works to strengthen the Chapter by communicating our vision for the future and enlisting support from members and the public to make that vision a reality!

Members of the Fundraising Team:

  • Organize and implements fundraising events and activities big and small
  • Work with staff and volunteers to communicate a strong and compelling case for supporting the Chapter
  • Develop and maintain donor/potential donor lists with donation records and individual interests
  • Works with National Fundraising staff to increase fundraising capacity
  • Ensures donors and participants in fundraising events are thanked
  • Support and/or participate in the Chapter's major donors program.

Desired skills and experience (not all are required):

  • Ability to communicate the importance of the Sierra Club's outings and conservation missions
  • Ability to work well as a member of a team, including volunteer work outside of Team meetings
  • Ability to develop relationships with, educate and cultivate potential donors in face-to-face meetings
  • Experience in nonprofit fundraising is an asset but not required

We highly encourage all interested parties with diverse backgrounds to apply!

Contact Olivia Tanager at for questions and more information.

Location: Virtual

Time: 1-4 hrs/month

Posted by: Toiyabe Chapter


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