Sierra Club Outings Leader and Outings Chair for the Range of Light Group of the Toiyabe Chapter

The Range of Light Group Of the Toiyabe Chapter of the Sierra Club is looking for volunteers to be trained and equipped to lead hikes.

After you've been hiking for a while and have become familiar with some of the trails, you may feel eager to share your enjoyment of the outdoors with others as a Sierra Club Outings Leader. The Range of Light Group of the Toiyabe Chapter of the Sierra Club provides the perfect opportunity! The benefits of hiking with Sierra Club are our knowledge of local flora, fauna and issues, in addition to free training, support, insurance, and the strong wildlife protection ethics shared by Sierra Club and our members.

Take that first step and attend a Leadership Training Program Seminar! The Sierra Club Range of Light Group (ROLG), part of the Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter, represents the Sierra Club in the Eastern Sierra; in Mono and Inyo Counties. The Eastern Sierra is the homeland of the Nuumu and Newe People and has been since time immemorial. It is a beautiful area rich in natural, scenic, cultural, and recreational values and benefits.

Range of Light Group members are avid hikers, backpackers, snowshoers, cross-country skiers, kayakers, canoeists, birders, and environmentalists who treasure the Eastern Sierra of California, centered in Mono and Inyo Counties. Their major activities include short and fairly easy summer outings in the immediate Mammoth Lakes and Mono Basin areas. In winter ROLG offers cross-country ski and snowshoe outings.

What Are The Qualities Needed For Leadership? Judgment, inspiration, awareness and current membership in the Sierra Club are the most important qualities in a leader. Fitness level, gender, skin color, sexual orientation, religion, income and educational level do not matter. We welcome and encourage people of all ages and from all backgrounds to become outings leaders! The more diverse our leaders are, the more diverse are the outings we can offer!

Why Be A Sierra Club Leader? The leadership skills -- and confidence -- that you develop have been known to extend beyond hiking into professional and personal lives. Leading an outing means that you can set the destination, the participants and the pace. Without leaders, our Schedule of Activities outings would not exist.

Volunteer today! In addition to outdoor leaders, the Range of Light Group is recruiting for an Outings Chair. The Outings Chair would develop hike leaders and make sure everyone is up to date on their first aid and Sierra Club outings leaders trainings. They would lead hikes as well. Contact Lynn Boulton at to become an Outings Leader and/or the Outings Chair!

Location: Toiyabe Chapter - Range Of Light Group

Time: 5-10 hrs/month

Posted by: Toiyabe Chapter


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