Mid-Hudson Group - Newsletter Contributor
We are seeking guest contributors to our newsletter.
The Mid-Hudson Group is seeking volunteer contributors for our monthly newsletter, Fresh Air. Our newsletter serves multiple purposes in our communication with members. In addition to articles that reflect the Sierra Club's conservation priorities, there are local updates to inform members about outings and other events in the Hudson Valley area. We also use the newsletter as a means of alerting and educating membership on activist opportunities and various topics associated with energy, political, legislative, and environmental/conservation issues.
No experience is necessary beyond an interest in communicating appropriate conservation and environmental information to the Mid-Hudson membership. A contributor will need to be aware of conservation issues on the local Hudson Valley and New York State scenes.
Responsibilities may include:
- Work with newsletter team to identify issues of importance to local members.
- Work with editors to establish priority and timeliness of news articles.
- Provide final (edited) versions of stories in a timely manner.
- Provide photography and/or visuals, if necessary.
We highly encourage all interested parties with diverse backgrounds to apply!